Our Story
We mobilize to ensure student voices are heard, seen, and present.
How It Started
Hahn Student Takeover
Students occupied Hahn Student Services Building for 12 hours to protest the Passage of Prop 209 that abolished Affirmative Action. At 8:00 pm, Chancellor Greenwood joined with student leaders to announce a consensus on addressing student concerns following the passage of Prop 209.
Measure C
This measure was put on the ballot during the student body elections in the Spring of 1999 but did not pass. The measure proposed: Shall UCSC undergraduates establish a campus retention program fee of $7.00/per quarter, effective Fall 1999, to improve the retention and graduation rates of undergraduate students? This measure, although it did not pass, would contribute greatly to measure 10 (e2). Measure C helped make a foundation for Measure 10.
Hate Incident
An incident of violence occurred on campus at College 9 where a Pilipinx student ended up hospitalized with a concussion after trying to prevent a fight between a friend, a fellow Filipino Student Association (FSA) and member, and white-identified students who aimed a football they were throwing around at him. Minimal disciplinary action was taken by the college, UC Police, and UC Judicial system against the perpetrators — two white students.
ASF Hate Incident
Participants of A Step Forward, an outreach program under the Filipino Student Association (FSA) were assaulted by an on-campus Stevenson resident with 40-ounce beer bottles. An official apology from the Chancellor was given to the participating ASF student and the UCSC student was later expelled.
e2 Peace Vigil
The Ethnic Student Organizing Council organized a Vigil in response to recent incidents of violence, and the lack of support students felt from UCSC Administration and the UC community. This is where the concept of e² was conceived.
Pilipino Historical Dialogue
The Filipino Student Association (FSA) organizes a student-initiated course called Pilipino Historical Dialogue (PHD) due to the extreme lack of classes on the Philippines or Pilipinx/Pilipinx-American experiences. The class continues to be taught by members of the Bayanihan community to this day.
SOAR & Student Organization Relocation
Student Organization Advising and Resources (SOAR) and student organizations move from what is now the Academic Resources Center (ARC) to the Student Union in the Quarry Plaza. Activists struggle to maintain the same amount of space for student organization offices -- particularly the Big 5: the African/Black Student Alliance (ABSA), Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (APISA), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana y Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), the Filipino Student Association (FSA), and the Student Alliance of Native American Indians (SANAI).
ESOC Leadership Class/e2 Class
This idea for Measure 10 Campus referendum evolved out of the ESOC leadership/e² class of 2003 during winter and spring. The 2003 class facilitators, Eden Silva Jequinto and Nicolas Javier, and students, worked on developing Measure 10 and creating the e² center. The referendum was made in response to the threat to student resources, specifically outreach and retention being cut. The idea arose from the notion of a student-initiated, student-owned, student-run retention center (Measure C) e² would institutionalize student-initiated outreach and retention programs, which bring and maintain diversity at UCSC as well as provide opportunities for all students.
Measure 10 Passes
This measure provided student funding which laid the foundation for and supports e 2 and student-initiated outreach and retention programs.
e² Opens
This measure provided student funding which laid the foundation for and supports e² and student-initiated outreach and retention programs.
Save SOAR Rallies
Over a 3 month period, students rally to protest how the Student Organization Advising Resources (SOAR) office was being cut. Two rallies took place and eventually administration met student demands; leading to the hire of SOAR staff and director.
CARE Referendum Passes
A $5.00 student fee approved that supports the 6 Resource Centers and Student Initiated Outreach (SIO) Programs. The Chancellor also agreed to give $2.00 for every $1.00 students pay towards SIO for a least the next two years.
Save SIO Campaign
In the mist of drastic budget cuts, students renegotiated the CARE Chancellor match to SAVE SIO Yield Programs. The Chancellor agrees to give $1.75 for every $1.00 students pay towards SIO for another year. This was a victory for e2 activist as they continue to fight for access to create an equitable educational system.
SIO Chancellor’s Match Campaign
In hopes to achieve permanent funding, e2 met with the Chancellor to discuss further funding of SIO programs but were unable to secure a permanent commitment from the Chancellor and the $1.75 match decreased to $1.50. In 2011-12, e2 continued to campaign and negotiate with the Chancellor’s office to secure permanent matching funds from the Chancellor’s office. e2 was successful in securing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Chancellor’s office guaranteeing a 5 year match of $1.50 for every $1 students contribute to SIO.
Resist the Pit
The Student Union and Redwood Building were scheduled for “seismic retrofit” to make them earthquake safe. All organizations and offices that use the buildings were needed to move out for an entire year so that the facilities could be renovated The temporary site proposed was a set of trailers in a parking lot between Crown College and Crown Merrill Apartments, known as “The Crown Pit.” This was unsafe and did not meet non negotiables. So students from e2 and other orgs represented in SUGB organized and petitioned until a better site was given. SUGB won and e2/SOAR/Big 5 offices were moved into the Cowell apartments during the renovation.
Campaign for Student Leadership
The previous Chancellor had announced their retirement early in the year which put pressure and urgency on e2 BoD in securing permanent funding for SIO programs. Throughout the year, e2 BoD led a new campaign to demand that the University recognize student leadership on campus. One recognition would be giving permanent funding to SIO programs, which student orgs and councils, faculty, and alumni endorsed and supported. e2 was successful in receiving permanent funding for the SIO yield programs.